Transform your home exterior and protect what's inside with CertainTeed's sleek and modern Urban Reserve™ metal siding collection. Whether you want to add a contemporary accent or shield your entire home with lasting beauty, Urban Reserve™ offers unlimited possibilities. With premium strength and performance, you can enjoy reliable, low-maintenance metal siding in any climate.
Urban Reserve™ offers an array of matching soffit and accessory options. From corners to trim to fully vented soffit panels, every piece is fully color matched to provide a seamless finishing touch.
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Everything old is new again. Working with R. Titter Roofing and White Horse Village, 45,000 pounds of discarded PVC vinyl siding that once would have been landfill-bound has been reclaimed and recycled in a CertainTeed sustainability initiative. At least 140,000 square feet of tear-offs and scraps were crushed, baled, and repurposed into raw material for new siding and other vinyl products.